Why choose us?
Benefiting from a rich cultural and historical environment, Bordeaux and the region of Nouvelle Aquitaine promote the development of a strong scientific network in the field of cultural heritage. The city and region are now internationally recognised as a hot spot grouping influent experts in art, archaeology, palaeontology and analytics.
International initiatives such as the CNRS ARCHE (ARt and Cultural HEritage: Natural Organic Polymers by Mass Spectrometry) International Joint Laboratory, have already successfully demonstrated how mass spectrometry, with innovative analytical solutions and developments, is the keystone in the field of cultural heritage. By providing molecular and structural evidences, it connects a broad range of complementary disciplines.
Strengthened by the development policy of the University of Bordeaux and supported by an exceptional international network of experts who pioneer these disciplines, the organisation of this Advanced mass spectrometry applied to cultural heritage summer school will promote high-level technical training for students and favorably contribute to national and international scientific crossfertilisation.
Beyond these gains, such an event will drive cultural, societal and economic benefits on a local, national and international level.