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Université de Bordeaux


A college of pioneering researchers presented their most recent developments and achievements in the field of cultural heritage mass spectrometry, including technical and computational developments and applications.

Workshop - 26/09 to 28/09

› Leila Birolo: University of Naples, Italy

› Ilaria Bonaduce: University of Pisa, Italy

› Matthew Collins: University of Cambridge, England and Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

› Garry Corthals: University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

› Caroline Tokarski: Protéome Platform, CBMN, University of Bordeaux - CNRS, France

Meeting - 29/09 to 30/09

Invited speakers 

› Julie Arslanoglu: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA

› Ilaria BonaduceUniversity of Pisa, Italy

› Remy Chapoulie: Archeovision, Bordeaux Montaigne University, France

› Matthew Collins: University of Cambridge, England and Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

› Juergen CoxMax Planck Institute, Germany

› Victor Etgens: Center of Research and Restoration of French Museums (C2RMF), France

› Laurent Védrine: Aquitaine Museum, France


› Alba Alvarez-Martin: Rijksmuseum, the Netherlands

› Patrick Dietemann: Doerner Institut, Germany

› Ester S.B. Ferreira: Cologne Institute for Conservation, Germany

› Wim Genuit: Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Netherlands

› Catherine Gilbert: Protéome Platform, CBMN, University of Bordeaux - CNRS, France

› Clara Granzotto: Art Institute of Chicago, USA

› Emmanuel Hondré: Opéra National de Bordeaux - Grand-Théâtre, France

› Vaclav Krupicka: Protéome Platform, CBMN, University of Bordeaux - CNRS, France

› Christopher Maines: National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA

› Joy Mazurek: Getty Conservation Institute, USA

› Anna Micheluz: Deutsches Museum, Germany

› Tania F. M. Oudemans: Kenaz Consult & Laboratory, Germany

› Valentina Pintus: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna

› Silvia Pizzimenti: University of Pisa, Italy

› Aleksandra Popowich: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA

› Ken Sutherland: Art Institute of Chicago, USA

› Daniel D. Vallejo: Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

› Klaas Jan van den Berg: Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Netherlands

› Inez Dorothé van der Werf: Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the Netherlands

› Jonas Veenhoven: Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Belgium


› Ester S. B. Ferreira: Cologne Institute for Conservation, Germany

› Francesca Galluzzi: Protéome Platform, CBMN, University of Bordeaux - CNRS, France

› Catherine Gilbert: Protéome Platform, CBMN, University of Bordeaux - CNRS, France

› Florent Grelard: Protéome Platform, CBMN, University of Bordeaux - CNRS, France

› Christopher Maines: National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA

› Aleksandra Popowich: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA

› Ken Sutherland: Art Institute of Chicago, USA

› Caroline Tokarski: Protéome Platform, CBMN, University of Bordeaux - CNRS, France

› Klaas Jan van den Berg: European Coordinator of MaSC, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands - University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands