Garry Corthals
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Garry CORTHALS is Chair and professor of Biomolecular Systems Analytics at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), visiting professor at M4I of Maastricht University and guest professor at the Amsterdam UMC. His laboratory develops and applies life science technology with a specific emphasis on mass spectrometry methods and computational tools. Applications lies in several areas including patient samples from clinics, as well as forensics, food and beverage and science for arts. His current interests lie in fast quantitative molecular analysis which are used in two main areas, including: 1) LC-MS methods for classification, diagnosis and prognosis of patient samples, and 2) ambient ionisation MS for ultra-fast molecular analysis. Here the group has started new research lines into 'Science for Art' and Forensics, where rich molecular analysis is acquired in minutes.
Prior to his work in Amsterdam Garry Corthals has held positions at University of Turku & Centre for Biotechnology (Turku, Fin), Geneva University Hospital (Geneva, CH), the Garvan Institute for Medical Research (Sydney, Aus), and the University of Washington (Seattle, USA). In the past he coordinated several national and international large-scale facilities offering development, services and outreach for Proteomics and Metabolomics. He is co-founder of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA), and the Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society (MSIS), and is the current Chair of HUPO’s Education & Training.