Ilaria Bonaduce
University of Pisa, Italy

Ilaria BONADUCE received her PhD in Chemical Science in 2006 and is currently Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa. She teaches undergraduate and Masters level lecture courses, and associated practical courses, in Analytical Chemistry. Her research centres on understanding modifications undergone by organic materials in paint and archaeological polychrome artifacts as an effect of pre-treatments, ageing and interaction with other organic and inorganic materials, with particular focus on lipids and proteins. On these grounds she works on three main research lines: i) the development of analytical methodologies and procedures, based on mass spectrometry (GC-MS, Py-GC-MS, HPLC-MS and proteomics), as well as analytical models for data interpretation, aimed at the reliable identification of organic materials in art and archaeological samples; ii) understanding the physicochemical behaviour of paint layers to aid the further development of appropriate conservation and preservation strategies; iii) the characterisation of organic materials in paintings and archaeological polychrome artifacts, to reconstruct artistic techniques and technologies of the past. This research has resulted in over 70 peer reviewed scientific publications.
Ilaria Bonaduce has been actively participating in several national and international projects. Of these she has been coordinator of a FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IEF project (project ID 253831: Saccharide Materials in Paint Systems: Nature, Occurrence and Physicochemical Evolution) granted by EC 7th framework programme, principal investigator of the Italian unit of the project CMOP - JPI Cultural Heritage Call "Heritage+; Transnational collaborative research project. 2015-2018, and member of the research teams of the FP7-MEMORI- Measurement, Effect Assessment and Mitigation of Pollutant Impact on Movable Cultural Assets – Innovative Research for Market Transfer", the FP6 - PROPAINT Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit.