Rémy Chapoulie
Bordeaux Montaigne University, France

Rémy CHAPOULIE graduated in applied physics at the University of Bordeaux (Sciences and Technology). He took his PhD in 1988 at Bordeaux Montaigne University (Human and Social Sciences) and his Habilitation at the University of Bordeaux in 2004 in sciences and technology. Full Professor of Physics in archaeometry at Bordeaux Montaigne University, he was a member of the scientific commission at the CNRS in Social and Human Sciences, from 2000 to 2004 and was a member of one of the commissions of research for the Aquitaine region from 2005 to 2010. His main research activities currently concern the multiphysical study and archaeometry of ceramics and pigments from pre-Columbian Peru, the taphonomy of walls in decorated prehistorical caves in Dordogne (France), and also the archaeometric study of different ancient materials: antique marble, Roman amphorae, lithic materials, Japanese prints, French faïence. One of his major and present interests lies in the development of mobile analytical systems for in situ measurements.
His scientific and administrative responsibilities are very closely linked to the sciences dedicated to the study of the cultural heritage. He is head of the laboratory IRAMAT-CRP2A (Institut de recherche sur les archéomatériaux-Centre de recherche en physique appliquée à l’archéologie) UMR 5060 CNRS at Bordeaux, and is a member of the scientific advisory board of the LabEx “Laboratoire des Sciences Archéologiques de Bordeaux”. This cluster gathers three research teams from Bordeaux with competences in archaeology, archaeometry, history, physical anthropology and prehistory. Rémy Chapoulie has also become, in 2018, head of the laboratory Archeovision (UMS 3657 CNRS), involved in 3D technologies: digitizing and surveying, modeling and rendering, promoting and data preservation.